December 10, 2009

Answering the commonly asked question

"Eleni, why do you wear glasses? Why don't you wear contacts?"

I get asked this ALL the time by people who I've just met/started talking to, and I have a few good reasons why I've never made the switch from glasses to contacts.

  • I was never allowed to have contacts when I was younger, due to the expense of them.
  • I've been wearing glasses every day since I was seven. 10 years. I feel naked without them.
  • Contacts seem like so much effort. Why put in that effort when I could just whack on a set of specs every morning?
  • My eyes look weird without glasses. No, it's not the way no one is used to seeing me without them, they actually look weird.
  • I've been called "the hot girl with glasses" by many people in my time. Why would I want to ruin that?
  • I get compliments on them all the time. People always tell me how much they suit me, and how I look really good with them. "Sexy schoolteacher" has also come up a few times.
So now you see why I love having glasses. They make me unique, and I love that. People recognise me all the time. Without them, I'd be just another face in the crowd.


December 1, 2009

The issue of the DISLIKE button

So I use Facebook. I've had it for about two years now, and even during that short time it's changed at least twice.
After every change, my Facebook homepage is bombarded with "CHANGE FACEBOOK BACK" groups and fan pages, and while I admit to joining most of them in the initial backlash, I find it easy to adapt to the changes that Facebook's people make.

Facebook's founder, Mark Zuckerberg, posted an open letter to Facebook today, detailing changes that they plan on making to networks and privacy options. While this sounds great, and I think it'll be better accepted than the recent feed overhaul, I can't help but notice the massive majority of comments on this post simply say "We want a dislike button!"

I'm not rejecting the notion of a dislike button but I can see why Facebook hasn't done it. I can imagine any number of scenarios where, if a dislike button did exist, it would cause tension and/or hurt the person whose post was "disliked".

Say, for instance, you got a boyfriend. You set your relationship statuses to show that you were together, and next thing you know, his ex-girlfriend clicks "dislike". How is that supposed to make a person feel? It would immediately put a taint on something that you were excited about.

Or you updated your status to mention something great in your life, and someone dislikes it.

I feel that if Facebook did add a dislike button, at first there would be great celebration and people would go to town on that bad boy, but eventually its novelty would wear off and it would become less of a great thing.
People always want what they can't have.

What I'd like to see is Facebook go back to the way it used to be - simple, easy. I miss the simple layout and ease of use. Having that back would be a great thing.

I love Facebook, and I think it's a commendation to its success that so many other social networking sites are trying to copy its ideas (MySpace Chat anyone?), and I think the Facebook creators are doing a good thing by its users by trying to fix important privacy options and technological issues that they are constantly faced with. I think they can see what would happen if there WAS a dislike button, and I think they're being smart by not installing it.


November 30, 2009

I have followers?

Day two of blogging - I know for a fact that at least one person read my first post (after I told him to!), so hooray for that!

So I have a slight obsession. It's called Dailybooth. It's a social networking site where you take a photo (generally) once a day and people can reply with either text or photo comments.
It's so much fun - once you start you really can't stop!

At this point in time, I have 86 followers. 86!!! I had no idea that that many people would be interested in seeing me post a picture every day. How I manage to continue gaining followers also astounds me. People on the internet really are the best :)

Dailybooth is brilliant, you meet people from all over the world, and no matter how old or young they are they all pretty much have the same objective, which is to make friends. I've only encountered one creepster on DB in the couple of months that I've been using it, which is a great thing.

Sure, there are those people who are only there for the Nakedbooths and Naked Fridays, but on the whole it's a really fun community that can cheer you up no matter how sad or anrgy you might be.

Another thing I've noticed about Dailybooth is that despite the fact that it's main drawpoint is taking photos, it's not a tool of vanity. You don't follow people based on what they look like (generally), you follow them because they're witty, funny or interesting, and you're genuinely interested in getting to know their personalities. It's strange to think that such a visual social networking site works in such a way that no one would first expect it to - looking past the images and getting to know the person in them.

I've made heaps of friends on Dailybooth and hope to continue making many more!

Follow me: My Dailybooth


November 29, 2009


Hi! :)

This is my first blog. What does one say in these things? I guess I'll start off by introducing myself.
My name's Eleni, I'm 17, and I reside in Australia.
I enjoy long walks on the beach and.. Wait, no I don't.
I enjoy the internet, socialising, meeting new people, LOUD/live music and dancing like a lunatic.
I have a secret (well, not so much now) desire to become a YouTube superstar, but this dream is yet to be realised. I would have done it by now if I didn't lack ideas and confidence to do so!

I still go to school, next year is my last year of high school and I can't wait. In short, it's going to be brilliant. I'm trying not to let the stress of expectations and ENTER scores get to me - but we'll see how I go with that when end of year exams are looming!
I was voted school captain as well - so not only do I have to do well for myself, but I have to represent the school well. But I think I can pull it off!

Now I shall list common things that people tend to ask me about:
  • My favorite food consists of anything from McDonald's. Any junk food is good though.
  • My favorite bands are Anberlin, 3OH!3, Family Force 5, Enter Shikari and Closure In Moscow. I listen to a lot of music but don't even try and show me Miley Cyrus or Taylor Swift. No thank you!
  • My favorite TV show, hands down, is Scrubs. That stuff if pure genius. I also love a bit of Family Guy.
  • My favorite colour is silver - I was told once that doesn't count, but it does! How can it not?
  • I've worn glasses since I was seven and no, I don't wear contacts. I don't know if I'm going to get them either.
  • I'm single and pretty over looking.
  • My excellent metabolism is what keeps me skinny - no healthy eating and very little excercise. Be jealous.
What about things you probably don't know? Here are some of those:
  • I used to be a gymnast. I quit while I was still very young. I earned a bronze medal on the bars during my time, which I maintain is my greatest sporting acheivement.
  • I sleep with my teddy every night. People laugh at him because he's small, but he does the job and I love him.
  • My aspiration is to be a journalist, I want to go to uni and study as soon as I've finished school.
  • I have no musical talent yet I still dream of being in a band.
So I think that's plenty about me for now. If I remember to blog then I'll continue to do so, and you'll get a lovely little insight into the world/mind of a regular 17 year old girl.
Thrill much!
